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SMB (Server Message Block) Hardening

The Server Message Block (SMB) is a network protocol that enables shared file access, printers, serial ports, and various communications between nodes on a network. This guide presents critical steps to harden and secure the SMB service.

Patch System Regularly

Ensure to regularly apply patches and updates on your server. This action prevents exploits of known vulnerabilities in the SMB service.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade   # for Ubuntu
sudo yum update -y # for RH-based systems

This command updates the system packages including SMB.

Restrict Access

Only allow essential and authorized systems to access the SMB ports. This restriction prevents unauthorized access.

sudo ufw enable   # Enable firewall
sudo ufw deny from {unauthorized_IP_address} to any port 445
sudo ufw deny from {unauthorized_IP_address} to any port 135

This command blocks access to SMB ports.

Disable SMB 1

SMB 1 is outdated and susceptible to numerous security vulnerabilities such as ransomware attacks. Disable SMB 1 to mitigate these risks.

echo "[global]" >> /etc/samba/smb.conf
echo "min protocol = SMB2" >> /etc/samba/smb.conf

This command disables SMB 1 on linux servers.

On Windows Server, follow these steps:

  • Open Windows Features.
  • Deselect SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support, and then click OK.

Enable SMB Signing

SMB signing verifies the authenticity of SMB communications and prevents man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks.

echo "server signing = mandatory" >> /etc/samba/smb.conf
echo "client signing = mandatory" >> /etc/samba/smb.conf

This command enables SMB signing on both the server and client sides.

Set Strong Passwords

Use strong passwords for all user accounts. This action prevents unauthorized access.

sudo smbpasswd -a {username}

This command creates or updates the smb password of the user.

Limit SMB Permissions

Limit permissions to what a user or a group of users need. This action prevents misuse of SMB.

chmod 770 {share_directory_path}
sudo chown {username}:{groupname} {share_directory_path}

This command sets directory permissions and ownership.

Enable SMB Encryption

Use SMB encryption to protect against eavesdropping on untrusted networks.

echo "smb encrypt = mandatory" >> /etc/samba/smb.conf

This command enables SMB encryption.

Regular Auditing

Perform regular audits of your SMB configuration and maintain logs for analysis.

testparm   # Checks the Samba configuration file for internal correctness

This command validates smb configuration.