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"An essential tool for network security professionals, providing powerful features for both offensive and defensive operations."
- Haroon Meer

What is the purpose of Bettercap?

Bettercap is an open-source network monitoring tool for various jobs, in particular, man-in-the-middle attacks, network sniffing, and packet manipulation. It gives the ability to assess security from all perspectives.

Here are the primary uses of Bettercap:

  • Man-in-the-Middle Attacks: Bettercap allows the execution of man-in-the-middle attacks, in which the traffic between clients and servers is intercepted and modified, observing the security level of network communications.

  • Network Sniffing: Bettercap can capture and analyze packets crossing a network. This is where security professionals can identify sensitive information that, if exposed, may lead to vulnerabilities.

  • Credential Harvesting: Bettercap is able to collect credentials from various protocols, including HTTP, FTP, and SSH protocols when capturing packets and parsing them. That process will significantly help in the assessment of the authentication mechanisms.

  • Packet Manipulation: Bettercap users can modify packets instantly, That provides for the testing of application security and the effectiveness of network defenses. This skill is important for simulating attacks and appraise responses.

  • Wi-Fi Attacks: Bettercap provides several Wi-Fi attacks, such as deauthentication and rogue access point creations. This makes it a tool for performing testing of security in wireless networks.

  • Compatibility and Extensibility: Bettercap is harmonious with multiple operating systems (GNU/Linux, BSD, Android, Apple macOS and the Microsoft Windows) and allowing users to create custom modules and scripts for specific needs.

Core Features

  • Network Sniffing
  • Man-in-the-Middle Attacks
  • Packet Manipulation
  • Session Hijacking
  • Credential Harvesting
  • Network Scanning
  • Vulnerability Scanning
  • DNS Spoofing
  • HTTPS Proxying
  • Packet Injection

Data sources

  • Network Traffic
  • Captured Packets
  • DNS Responses
  • ARP Requests and Responses
  • HTTP Requests and Responses
  • Session Data
  • Network Scans
  • Vulnerability Scans

Common Bettercap Commands

1. Start Bettercap

  • This is a command opening the interactive console of Bettercap, which enables users to interface with it from the command line to perform various tasks regarding a network.

2. Set Target

  • This command sets the IP address or range to be the target of the attack. Targeting makes it possible for the user to define the scope users operations, letting Bettercap focus on the targeted source.
set target <IP>

3. Start Sniffer

  • This command sends to start packet sniffing on the given network interface All the traffic is captured, which allows a more thorough analysis of the data security vulnerabilities.
net.sniff on

4. Start ARP Spoofing

  • Bettercap will actually perform a man-in-the-middle attack with ARP spoofing enabled which against the target and the gateway, intercepting and manipulating their communications by deception of both sides.
arp.spoof on

5. Capture HTTP Traffic

  • This command listens HTTP traffic, allowing unencrypted request(HTTP) and response traffic to pass through and be seen by the tool user for analysis. It is critical for determining sensitive information.
http.proxy on

6. Inject JavaScript

  • This command allows the user to injects JavaScript into the HTTP responses, which could be used in testing the security of client-side applications. It enables the user to assess how well defenses work exactly when attacks are simulated against Cross-Site Scripting.
http.inject <script.js>

7. Deauthenticate Wi-Fi Clients

  • This command is, therefore, used for deauthenticating clients from a specified Wi-Fi network—clients are made to disconnect and then auto-reconnect. The processes result in capturing the handshake packets ready for further operations.
wifi.deauth <target_MAC> -a <BSSID>

8. View Network Interfaces

  • This command lists all the available network interfaces on the system.

9. Stop Bettercap

  • This command exits the Bettercap console, stopping every active operation.

10. Help and Usage Information

  • This command displays the help menu and usage information for Bettercap. It provides available commands, options and commands syntax.
bettercap -h

Alternative usage:

bettercap --help

Output Examples of Bettercap Commands

CommandExample UsageFunctionOutput Example
Start Bettercapbettercap -I wlan0Starts the Bettercap console on the specified interface.Bettercap v2.31.0
Loaded 2 modules:
1. caplets
2. modules
View Network Interfacesnet.interfacesLists all available network interfaces.wlan0: connected
eth0: disconnected
Set Targetset target the target IP address for attacks.Target set to
Scan Wireless Networkswifi.recon onScans and lists wireless networks.Scanning wireless networks...
Found 3 networks:
SSID: MyNetwork
Connect to Wi-Fi Networkwifi.assoc wlan0 00:11:22:33:44:55Connects to a wireless network.Associated with SSID: MyNetwork, BSSID: 00:11:22:33:44:55
Start Network Reconnet.recon onStarts network traffic analysis between devices.Network recon started
Show Detected Devicesnet.showLists detected devices and networks.Found 5 devices:
Start Sniffersniffer.startInitiates packet sniffing on the selected interface.Sniffer started on wlan0
Start ARP Spoofingarp.spoof onActivates ARP spoofing against the specified target.ARP spoofing started
Deauthenticate Wi-Fi Clientswifi.deauth 10 -a <BSSID>Deauthenticates clients from the Wi-Fi network to capture handshakes.Sending 10 deauth packets to <BSSID>
Capture HTTP Traffichttp.serverCaptures HTTP traffic to analyze unencrypted requests.HTTP server running on
Inject JavaScripthttp.inject js JavaScript into HTTP responses for testing vulnerabilities.JavaScript injection successful
Set Verbose Modeset net.sniff.verbose trueEnables verbose mode for packet sniffing.Verbose mode enabled for packet sniffing
Update Capletscaplets.updateUpdates Bettercap caplets (script files).Caplets updated successfully
List Loaded Capletscaplets.showLists loaded caplets.Loaded caplets:
Stop BettercapexitExits the Bettercap console and stops all operations.Stopping Bettercap...