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What is the purpose of WPScan?

WPScan is not an open source cyber security tool. WPScan is a security scanner designed to test the security of websites built with WordPress. This ruby programming language development product is intended for use by WordPress Administrators and Security Teams who need to find out the security status of their WordPress installations. It is used for scanning WordPress websites against known vulnerabilities in WordPress itself and its generally applied themes and plugins.

Here are the primary uses of WPScan:

  • Username enumeration: Enumeration attacks, by themselves, are a means of trying to determine whether the target exists on the target system. The threat actor is trying to find out which users are present on a website. This information can be used as auxiliary information for different attack vectors. In a user enumeration attack, the threat actor will identify variations in how WordPress responds to certain requests. From this response, the attacker can determine whether the user exists or not.

  • Version detection: WPScan can detect target system's versions of WordPress core, plugins, and themes.

  • Publicly accessible sensitive data: WPScan can check for publicly accessible wp-config.php(The wp-config.php file is considered the “heart” of a WordPress site. This file contains your database connection information, security keys and other critical settings.) backups and other database exports.

  • Password cracking: WPScan also has a password cracker. This can help you check if your website has weak authentication credentials. You need to provide WPScan with a password dictionary of your choice. This feature allows cybersecurity experts or researchers to specify a dictionary of words specific to the target system for a more focused test.

Core Features

  • Vulnerability Scanning
  • Configuration File Backup Detection
  • User Enumeration
  • Brute Force Protection
  • Banner Grabbing
  • Plugin and Theme Detection
  • WordPress Version Detection

Data sources:

  • Vulnerability Database
  • WordPress Plugin and Theme Repositories
  • Online Resources
  • Target Website

Common WPScan Commands

1. Basic Usage

  • This is a basic scanning command on a target WordPress site. It tries to pentest the attack vectors of the website by finding possible vulnerabilities and gathering information about the target system.
wpscan --url

2. Enumerating Plugins

  • This command is used to list the installed plugins on the target WordPress site. Some WordPress plugins may contain security vulnerabilities, and knowing which plugins are in use can make known vulnerabilities associated with that plugin more obvious.
wpscan --url --enumerate p

3. Enumerating Themes

  • This command lists the themes installed on the target WordPress site. This command is critical for identifying themes that do not contain some security updates. It is essential for assessing the security of a site's appearance, as outdated or vulnerable themes can also allow security risks.
wpscan --url --enumerate t

4. Enumerating Users

  • This command lists the registered users on the target WordPress site. Knowledge of the user base is an advantage against security vulnerabilities such as CSRF, and can identify potential attack vectors related to weak or compromised accounts.
wpscan --url --enumerate u

5. Checking for Vulnerabilities

  • This passive and aggressive detection command detects plugins and identifies known vulnerabilities. It highlights vulnerabilities in installed plugins by analyzing installed plugins against existing databases containing information about vulnerabilities.
wpscan --url --plugins-detection mixed

6. Using an API Token

  • This option allows the user to use an API token for advanced scanning features, such as performing a scan using the latest vulnerability data. The API token provides access to WPScan's vast vulnerability database, allowing for more complete and accurate results.
wpscan --url --api-token YOUR_API_TOKEN

7. Outputting Results to a File

  • This option allows an output file to be specified for the results obtained from the scan. This feature will therefore be important for record keeping, further analysis or reporting purposes and will allow users to keep a permanent record of the findings. This command facilitates the integration of WPScan outputs with other security tools, making the WPScan tool user-friendly.
wpscan --url -o output.txt

8. Verbose output

  • This provides detailed output for the scan, where you can view a lot of information for the target system regarding the scan process, including actions performed and vulnerabilities discovered.
wpscan --url --verbose

9. Help and Usage Information

  • This command displays help information, including a list of available options and commands for using WPScan.
wpscan -h

Alternative usage:

wpscan --help

Output Examples of WPScan Commands

CommandExample UsageFunctionOutput Example
Basic Usagewpscan --url https://example.comInitiates a basic scan of the specified WordPress site.Crawling
Display Helpwpscan --helpDisplays help information and available commands.Usage: wpscan [options]
Display Versionwpscan --versionDisplays the current version of WPScan installed.WPScan version 3.8.0
Update WPScanwpscan --updateUpdates the WPScan tool to the latest version.WPScan updated to the latest version.
Using an API Tokenwpscan --url --api-token YOUR_API_TOKENAllows enhanced features with an API token.Using API token for enhanced data...
Enumerate All Available Optionswpscan --url --enumerate ap,at,auEnumerates all available options, including plugins, themes, and users.Enumerating all available options...
Enumerate Pluginswpscan --url --enumerate pEnumerates installed plugins on the target site.Enumerating plugins...
Enumerate Themeswpscan --url --enumerate tEnumerates installed themes on the target site.Enumerating themes...
Enumerate Userswpscan --url --enumerate uEnumerates users registered on the target WordPress site.Enumerating users...
Check for Vulnerabilitieswpscan --url --plugins-detection mixedChecks for known vulnerabilities in detected plugins.Scanning for vulnerabilities...
Check for Specific Vulnerabilitieswpscan --url --vulnerableChecks for specific vulnerabilities listed in the database.Checking for known vulnerabilities...
Brute Force Enumerationwpscan --url --brute --wordlist wordlist.txtUses brute force to discover usernames or passwords.Brute forcing usernames...
Use Proxywpscan --url --proxy http://proxy.example.comUses a specified proxy for requests.Using proxy:
Custom User-Agentwpscan --url --user-agent "CustomUserAgent"Sets a custom User-Agent string for requests.Using custom User-Agent: CustomUserAgent
Rate Limitingwpscan --url --rate-limit 5Limits the number of requests sent per second.Rate limit set to 5 requests per second.
Output Results to a Filewpscan --url -o output.txtOutputs the scan results to a specified file.Results saved to output.txt
Output JSONwpscan --url --output-jsonOutputs results in JSON format.Results saved in JSON format.
Store HTTP Responseswpscan --url --store-requestsStores HTTP requests and responses during the scan.HTTP requests and responses stored.
Verbose Modewpscan --url --verboseEnables verbose output for detailed information.Verbose mode enabled.
Resume Scanwpscan --url --resume resume.cfgResumes a scan using a previous session configuration file.Resuming scan from resume.cfg...
Exclude Specific Pathswpscan --url --exclude-path /wp-adminExcludes specified paths from the scan.Excluding path: /wp-admin