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IRC Pentesting

Default Port: 6667

IRC (Internet Relay Chat), is a protocol and communication system that allows users to engage in real-time text-based conversations. In this article, we will examine the pentesting techniques for IRC.


Connecting to an IRC Server

You can connect to an IRC server using various IRC clients. For example, on Linux, you can use the irssi client with the following command:

irssi -c <irc-server-ip>

This command allows you to connect to a specific IRC server.

Login with Nickname and Username

After connecting to the IRC server, you need to set your nickname and username:

/nick <nickname>
/user <username> <hostname> <servername> :<realname>

For example:

/nick pentester
/user pentester localhost localhost :Pentester


Identifying an IRC Server

You can use Nmap to check if an IRC service is running on a specific host:

nmap -p 6667 X.X.X.X

This command checks if there is a service running on port 6667 of the specified IP address, which is commonly used by IRC.

You can use Netcat or a similar tool to perform banner grabbing and retrieve information about the IRC service:

nc -nv X.X.X.X 6667

This command collects banner information from the service running on port 6667 of the given IP address.


Listing Channels and Users

Once connected to an IRC server, you can list the available channels and users:


This command lists all available channels on the server.

/names <channel>

This command lists all users in a specific channel.

Collecting User Information

You can also collect information about specific users:

/whois <nickname>

This command retrieves detailed information about a specific user, including their hostname, server, and real name.

Packet Analysis

You can use packet analysis tools like Wireshark to capture and analyze IRC traffic. This can help in understanding communication patterns and identifying potential weaknesses.

Attack Vectors

Default Credentials and Vulnerabilities

Check for default credentials or weak authentication mechanisms. For example, try common nicknames and usernames like admin or root.

Brute Force Attacks

You can perform brute-force attacks to guess weak passwords using tools like hydra:

hydra -l <username> -P /path/to/passwords.txt <target_ip> irc -s 6667

This command attempts to brute-force the specified IRC server.

Exploiting Misconfigurations

Look for misconfigured IRC servers that allow actions without proper authentication, such as joining restricted channels or sending messages to all users.


Privilege Escalation

After gaining access, attempt to escalate privileges to higher-level accounts or operators (ops) within channels. You can use commands like:

/mode <channel> +o <nickname>

This command attempts to give operator privileges to the specified user in the channel.

Data Analysis and Manipulation

Once you have access, analyze and manipulate data within the IRC server. For example, you can monitor private messages or alter channel topics.

Hijacking Sessions

Target and hijack active user sessions to capture session information and manipulate sessions to your advantage. For example, you could use a tool like Ettercap to perform a man-in-the-middle attack on IRC traffic.

Example of IRC Commands

/listList all available channels on the server.
/names <channel>\List all users in a specific channel.
/whois <nickname>\Retrieve detailed information about a specific user.
/mode <channel>\ +o <nickname>\Give operator privileges to a user in a channel.

This structure provides a comprehensive overview of pentesting activities directed towards IRC services. Always ensure you operate within ethical and legal boundaries while conducting such tests and have the appropriate authorization.