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Default Port: 23

Telnet is an old network protocol that provides insecure access to computers over a network. It is used to connect to remote systems over TCP/IP networks. However, due to security vulnerabilities, its usage is not recommended, and more secure alternatives like SSH are preferred.

Telnet operates on a client-server model, where a system acts as a server and others act as clients. The server grants access to remote devices, while clients connect to the server to send commands and receive responses.

Telnet is vulnerable to sniffing attacks. It can also be vulnerable to attacks where it uses default credentials or lacks authentication for access.


Connect Using Telnet Command

telnet <target-ip> <target-port>

#target port is optional


Identifying a Telnet Server

You can use Nmap to check if there's an Telnet server on a target host like this:

nmap -p 23 X.X.X.X

Assessing Encryption on Telnet Server

The telnet-encryption script of Nmap is designed to assess the presence of encryption support on Telnet servers. It should be noted that incorrect implementations in certain systems may result in security vulnerabilities. This script solely evaluates the availability of encryption support.

nmap -p 23 --script telnet-encrpytion X.X.X.X

Extracting NTLM Authentication Details on Telnet Server

The telnet-ntlm-info script of Nmap is designed to gather information from remote Microsoft Telnet services that have NTLM authentication enabled. By initiating a MS-TNAP NTLM authentication request using null credentials, the script prompts the remote service to return a NTLMSSP message. This response reveals critical information, including the NetBIOS name, DNS name, and the operating system's build version.

nmap -p 23 --script telnet-ntlm-info X.X.X.X

You can use Netcat to find out what service is running and its version by looking at the welcome message it shows when you connect. This method is called Banner Grabbing.

nc -nv X.X.X.X 23

Attack Vectors

Passwordless Authentication

Telnet allows users to connect to a server without needing a specific identity by utilizing a passwordless login feature. This method is commonly employed for accessing or downloading public files.

To connect without a password, you would use the following command:

telnet X.X.X.X

#provide username
#do not provide any password

Common Credentials

If anonymous login is disabled on the Telnet server, trying common usernames and passwords like admin, administrator , root , user, or test can be a good initial step. This approach is less aggressive than attempting to guess passwords through brute force and is recommended to try first when accessing a server.

telnet X.X.X.X

#provide a common username
#provide a common password

Bruteforcing Credentials

A brute-force attack involves trying many passwords or usernames to find the right one for accessing a system.

Tools like Hydra are designed for cracking into networks and can be used on services like Telnet, HTTP, SMB, etc. For Telnet, Hydra often carries out a dictionary attack, which means it uses a list of possible usernames and passwords from a file to try and log in.

Bruteforcing with Hydra

To use Hydra for brute-forcing Telnet login credentials, you would use a command structured for this purpose:

hydra [-L users.txt or -l user_name] [-P pass.txt or -p password] -f [-S port] telnet://X.X.X.X

Bruteforcing with Nmap

It is also possible to perform brute force on Telnet with Nmap scripts:

nmap -p 23 --script telnet-brute X.X.X.X

Bruteforcing with Metasploit

It is also possible to apply brute force with Metasploit modules on Telnet:

use auxiliary/scanner/telnet/telnet_login
msf auxiliary(telnet_login) > set rhosts X.X.X.X
msf auxiliary(telnet_login) > set user_file /path/to/user.txt
msf auxiliary(telnet_login) > set pass_file /path/to/pass.txt
msf auxiliary(telnet_login) > set stop_on_success true
msf auxiliary(telnet_login) > exploit

MITM: Telnet Spoofing with Metasploit

A man-in-the-middle attack to capture Telnet login credentials can be performed using the Metasploit module.

use auxiliary/server/capture/telnet
set srvhost X.X.X.X
set banner Hackviser Telnet Server


Common Telnet Commands

openConnects to a specified remote hosttelnet open 23
closeCloses the current connectiontelnet> close
quitExits telnettelnet> quit
statusShows the current status of the telnet clienttelnet> status
zSuspends telnet (on Unix/Linux systems)telnet> z
setSets Telnet options (like terminal type)telnet> set term vt100
unsetUnsets Telnet optionstelnet> unset term
displayDisplays current settings of Telnet optionstelnet> display
sendSends special characters or sequences (like break)telnet> send break
modeSets the mode of operation (e.g., line by line or character)telnet> mode character
logoutLogs out from the remote system (not available on all systems)telnet> logout